Our association
In October 2019, under the impetus of Martin Malvy, President of Sites & Cités, seven networks of rural and urban heritage towns and territories decided to unite under a common banner. Among them, the National Federation of Regional Nature Parks of France, Les Plus Beaux Détours de France, Les Plus Beaux Villages de France®, Petites Cités de Caractère® de France, the Réseau des Grands Sites de France, Sites et Cités remarquables de France and Ville et Métiers d'Art.
The union of these networks aims to strengthen and coordinate the promotion of the labels in terms of heritage and art of living. It is also an opportunity to present destinations of excellence, a brand image for French tourism, by welcoming and discovering "natural and cultural heritage" destinations, for all, within heritage territories. This positioning responds to a sustainable development strategy within these networks of territories, based on ambitious approaches and innovative solutions.
France. Patrimoines & Territoires d'exception thus associates heritage (built, natural, intangible, etc.) with notions of excellence, quality, modernity, preservation and sustainable management, hospitality, and the link with inhabited and living territories, and meets numerous criteria for the offer. It federates the labels on a national scale in order to improve their impact at home and abroad, to make them more operational in terms of image and to define an offer that allows for balanced tourism throughout the territory.
France, Patrimoines & Territoires exhibition symbolises the union of the seven networks and also marks the fine achievement of their cooperation.

Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy-Franche-Comté © Gael Fontany
The Board
President - Martin MALVY, President of Sites & Cités Remarquables de France
Vice-President and Treasurer: Françoise GATEL, President of Petites Cités de Caractère®
Vice-President : Alain DI STEFANO, President of Plus Beaux Villages de France®
Vice-Chairman: Michaël WEBER, President of the Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France
Vice-Chairman : Louis VILLARET, President of the Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Vice-Chairman: Hervé MARITON, President of the Plus Beaux Détours de France
Vice-Chairman : Philippe HUPPÉ, President of Ville & Métiers d'Art

Martin MALVY
President of Sites & Cités remarquables de France

Vice-president, President of Plus Beaux Villages de France®

Vice-president, President of Réseau des Grands Sites de France

Françoise GATEL
Vice-president and treasurer
President of Petites Cités de Caractère® de France

Michaël WEBER
Vice-president, President of Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France

Vice-president, President of Plus Beaux Détours de France