Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France
The purpose of the Regional Nature Parks of France is to ensure the economic and social development of their territory, while preserving and enhancing the natural, cultural and landscape heritage. The wealth of the Parks lies in the transversality they demonstrate by integrating biodiversity issues into their territorial projects.
The Parks are inhabited territories recognised on a national scale for their rich heritage. They are created by decree of the Prime Minister, but are the result of a local will. It is also a national brand, owned by the State.
The Federation groups together open spaces without regulatory power. This is why consultation is practised here, perhaps more than elsewhere. Convincing rather than constraining is the state of mind that guides the drafting of the charter, which commits the member municipalities, the local authorities and the State to a territorial project. This charter is renewed every 15 years.
France currently has 58 Regional Nature Parks, 2 of which were awarded the label in 2021. They represent more than 4,900 municipalities, 4.4 million inhabitants and nearly 9.5 million hectares (i.e. 19.1% of the territory) and more than 2,250 agents work in them.
Photo: View of the Somme Bay Picardy Maritime Regional Nature Park © Sébastien Desanlis
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